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^ Manfrotto 070CSU Follow Spot Stand

Код товара: 8212960535


Хромированная 2-секционная стойка.


Длина в собранном виде 105 см
Минимальная высота 88 см
Максимальная высота с выдвинутой центральной колонной 147 см
Вес 6.8 кг
Максимальная нагрузка 40 кг

Manfrotto 070CSU overview


This is a 4.8' Manfrotto Follow Spot Stand. It is a chrome-plated stand, with two sections, one riser. It was designed for low height, high payload capacity, allowing you to easily track an actor with your mounted follow-spot.


This stand has a locking leveling leg, which extends to add stability when working on uneven terrain, or stairs.

This stand will support a load of 88 lbs (40 kg) at minimum height, on a level surface.
Double-braced legs add strength and stability
Lightweight for its size; sets up in seconds

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